s The first research question deals with the way in which big data can be processed efficiently alongside secure through incorporation of Amazon Cloud, Mapreduce framework and Hive whereas the second question deals with effectiveness of MetaCloudStorage Framework in processing and securing the data. How can BigData be processed faster and secure integrating Amazon Cloud, Mapreduce framework and Hive? How effective is MetaCloudStorage Framework in processing and securing the data? Methodology The research is based upon finding out the security challenges faced using Big Data in Cloud Computing, the experimental method has been deemed accurate for this study. In this study proposed research, the chosen research method would aid in experiencing certain benefits as well. Firstly, the chosen method is cost-effective as it would use the AWS (Amazon Web Services) for understanding the categorization of the Data into three levels. Furthermore, using MetaCloudDataStorage security architecture can be proposed for the research to protect the Big Data in Cloud Computing. The classification of the Data includes Normal, Critical and Sensitive and each categorized data would be stored in a different data center. The chosen interface of the MetaCloudDataStorage will redirect the user request efficiently towards the appropriate datacenter available in the Cloud that is offered by varied vendors. To process the log files, the AWS CloudTrail has been incorporated in the proposed methodology and the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) is integrated with the former. It aids in delivering the log files into an Amazon S3 bucket. With the help of effective API, the CloudTrail can be integrated with any kind of application. The AWS CloudTrail also helps in maintaining the API call time and the IP address of the caller. In this methodology, the datacenters have been divided in the form of a sequence of n parts and each part is represented by part k (k (1, n)), and m different storage providers will be used to store this and each provider is identified in the form of provider l (l (1, m)). Furthermore, m (number of providers) is always far lesser than n (parts of the datacenter) and belongs to organizations such as Google, Amazon, and Salesforce. Storing Big Data would form a unique storage path- Mapping Storage Path = {Data ((P1(M1, M2 ... Mr.)) (P2(M1, M2 ... Ms.)) ... (Pn (M1, M2 ... Mt))}; where P- storage provider M- physical storage media Due to the large size of Big Data, encrypting is impossible and hence the proposed methodology has suggested a cryptographic value known as cryptographic virtual mapping of the Big Data. Therefore, this proposed research has suggested protecting the mapping of the various data elements to each providers using the MetaCloudDataStorage interface instead of securing the Big Data itself. Figure 3: End User Accessing Applications and Data in a Distributed Cloud (Source: Figure 4: Security Architecture for Meta Cloud Data Storage in Cloud (Source: The Map Reduce refers to a programming framework that processes tasks parallelly across a huge size of the systems. With the help of Map function, the huge size of input data is split into key, value> pairs. Mapper Function Mapper Function public void Map(Long Writable key, Text value, Output Collector output, Reporter reporter) for each key ? value do Emit(term key; count 1) Reducer Function public void reduce(Text key, Iterator values, Output Collector output, Reporter reporter) sum?0 for each v ? value do sum?sum + v Emit(key, sum) The Big Data collected through the Map function would be analyzed and processed using the Apache Hive in Amazon Web Service. The Apache Hive is an open source software running on top of Hadoop in the Amazon EMR. The architecture Hive has been used to process the stored log files that have been stored in the Amazon S3 such as- 05:05:2020,56,address 05:05:2020,67,index 06:05:2020,47,sponsored The data from the AWS would be fetched using the following Hive command- hive> select count(*) from bank details where Time >= 40; Research Constraints The time for completing was less and hence it could not be properly conducted. Furthermore, there was a lack of data availability and accessibility. There was also elasticity and scalability of the data issues and it is yet to be determined whether the proposed framework would work for all sectors or not. Time Plan and Milestones Task Duration (days) Start Finish Conduct the introduction for the study 5 15-10-2020 20-10-2020 Literature review 8 20-10-2020 28-10-2020 Draft the scope of the study 3 28-10-2020 31-10-2020 Determine the methodology 5 31-10-2020 05-11-2020 Use the Amazon Web Services for Data Categorization 5 05-11-2020 10-11-2020 Develop the MetaCloudDataStorage Architecture 10 10-11-2020 20-11-2020 Classify the data into Normal, Critical and Sensitive 7 20-11-2020 27-11-2020 Process the log files and develop the AWS CloudTrail 4 27-11-2020 01-12-2020 Integrate the AWS Key Management Service (KMS) 5 01-12-2020 06-12-2020 Use the Amazon S3 bucket 5 06-12-2020 11-12-2020 Use Mapper Function 8 11-12-2020 19-12-2020 Use Reducer Function 4 19-12-2020 23-12-2020 Use the AWS Apache Hive 3 23-12-2020 26-12-2020 First draft 9 26-12-2020 04-01-2021 Review with lecturer 3 04-01-2021 07-01-2021 Second draft 5 07-01-2021 12-01-2021 Submission 1 12-01-2021 13-01-2021 Conclusion and Further Work This study proposed the MetaCloudDataStorage security Architecture for securing the Big Data in Cloud Computing. 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Subject Name: Computer Science
Level: Undergraduate
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