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Old Man With Pneumonia Case Study

Task: This assessment task enables you to deeply engage with the literature around the health status of an acutely ill patient. You must select a case for analysis who has experienced either shock, or acute respiratory or cardiac failure. We are looking for demonstration of a deep understanding of the applied pathophysiology that underpins the key problem experienced by the patient, and explanation of at least one management strategy provided. Please note, that we are not looking for a great deal of detail about the patient. The information can be conveyed in one or two sentences (see the example). Institutional approval is not required as no patient details are to be included in the paper. If you wish to include test results, then you must present them in the form of your analysis, it is not sufficient to list them, as a list does not convey your interpretation and therefore does not add to the grading. For example, you could say: The patient presented with hypotension with a mean arterial pressure of 48, hypoxic as evidenced by low oxygen saturations, acidotic as indicated by a pH value of 7.16 and carbon dioxide levels of 55. In terms of case selection, if you believe that you cannot think of a suitable case for review, please contact your tutor to discuss your options. Cardiovascular students may not select heart failure as a topic. Intensive care students may not discuss positive pressure ventilation. Examples of topics/cases for review The topic/case does not need to be complicated. It can be as simple as drop in blood pressure a drop in oxygen saturations a vasovagal episode aspiration of gastric contents pneumonia hypertension and so on. Regardless of the topic area, it is your role to explain the compensatory mechanisms that are activated in response to the problem. You then link at least one management strategy to explain the related physiology.

Subject Name: Biology

Level: Undergraduate

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