Task: Lovisa Holdings Limited (Lovisa) is one of Australia’s largest fast fashion retailers, specialising in a range of jewelry products. The firm was founded in Queensland in 2010 and, over the past decade, has expanded to more than 400 stores across the world (Lovisa, 2020). Given the impact of Covid-19 and growing awareness regarding the firm’s environmental and social impacts, the management team of Lovisa have commissioned you to provide a research report. This accounting assignment must include the following: 1. A brief overview of the nature of Lovisa and their current strategic priorities. 2. A detailed overview of Lovisa’s environment using Porter's Five Forces Model. 3. An overview of three key ways in which Lovisa impacts the environment. 4. An overview of how the group impacts three key stakeholder groups. 5. An overview of your recommended strategy to improve Lovisa’s revenues, market share and sustainability over the next three years. 6. A balanced scorecard (BSC) which translates your recommended strategy and includes relevant objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs). This BSC must include at least five objectives and two KPIs for each objective.
Subject Name: Accounting
Level: Undergraduate
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