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Accounting Assignment: Reflection On Notion Of Accountability & Ethics

BAE Admin

3 A personal value statement is a specific and concise statement that outlines the most important things in an individual’s life(Blackman, 2018). It has become essential to define personal values in today’s world as it becomes easier to find a career that can match with the harmony of self values. This statement also helps in defining an individual's moral fiber to the potential employers so that a standard is set in terms of defining success. For an individual who is creating a personal value statement, it is important to define what matters to him/her the most(Kangal, 2018). Thus, making a list of the important qualities and ranking them in order of their importance is the best approach to write a personal value statement. Overall, it is to be considered what makes an individual feel good along with what are the dreams for the future. Typically there are certain traits of values such as integrity, loyalty, simplicity, accuracy and ambition that can be emphasized while writing a personal value statement. As a part of the job application based on the role of an account at a large business, the following is my personal value statement keeping the notion of accountability in perspective: I am a highly ambitious individual and a quick learner who can adapt to different and diverse working environment effectively. I consider ethical and moral values as a top priority and in the job of accounting where financial calculations are concerned, moral and ethical values play a vital role. As an accountant I believe I will be accountable for any financial miscalculations or wrong financial statements preparation as the organization that I am employed with will rely on me regarding financial reporting. My strengths are loyalty, honesty and integrity based on which I can make my job role effective and trustworthy. In addition to that, I also value workplace relationships, since I will be spending a majority of the time in the office, so valuing and maintaining a healthy workplace relationship will help in creating a motivating work environment. Even in my previous stints with other organizations, I have maintained moral and ethical values in the toughest of situations where the situation demanded me to act unethically. Therefore, my personal value statement reflects my focus on integrity, honesty and loyalty, which I believe are three essential components in the job role of an accountant.? References Blackman, A. (2018). What Are Your Personal Values? How to Define & Live by Them.Business EnvatoTuts+. Finance Institute.(2019). Accountability - Overview, Key Roles, and Examples.Corporate Finance Institute. Juris, S. M. (2012). Accounting Fraud Cases Are Dead. Long Live Accounting Fraud Cases. Forbes. Kangal, S. (2018).Role of Accounting in Creating Values and Accountability.Medium.

Subject Name: Accounting

Level: Postgraduate

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