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Accounting Assignment: Structured Literature Review

s The objective of the research is to recognize working factors negatively affect the satisfaction of the job in an early stage of health professional’s career in the public sector of rural Australia. The research identifies the causes affecting the turnover of staff of public sector community mental health (CMH) services workforce has been limited. What are the major challenges which negatively faced by health professionals in Australia? Are there any professional development programs for the progress of rural health professionals? Methodology In this research, 25 medical professionals Working in remote CMH services and rural areas in New South Wales (NSW), Australia for NSW medical participated in semi-structured and depth interviews. The selection of participants occurred with the criterion sampling strategy. The first author of the article conducted face to face semi-structured interviews for 11 months period. A stable comparative system of data collection and scrutiny was used in grounded theory methods. Findings and Discussion From this research on human resource management, it has found out from the interview that, the main categories disturbing turnover were "handling the job" and "adapting to the Working environment". It covers job role, relationship at the workplace, contact to CPD and accessibility of career grooming opportunities. The research recognized five challenges negatively impact the satisfaction of job for early-career rural-based CMH professionals. The challenges are creating a profession particular identity, giving quality multidisciplinary care, controlling professional and personal boundaries and working with a challenging client group. Some of the participants described emotions pressured from team members and management to look at themselves as CMH professionals and to quit or learn a lot. Some participants were helpful in CMH disciplinary care method and believed it provided in mental care health. To give efficient care in multidisciplinary, then a large team is required for the proper blend of professions. Many participants described the issues of working in a resource controlled workplace line staffing and budgetary limits effects negatively on working load and job satisfaction. Some discussed high mental illness possessed by clients, and handling these clients was stressful and difficult. The main duty for all CMH professionals is to keep confidentiality and privacy of the client and to follow personal and professional boundaries to remove such challenges. The above findings classify the factors which affect the job of rural early CMH professionals and give depth knowledge of such factors. Establishing a professional identity was found to be significant for all professionals rather than discipline in the beginning stage of career. Conclusion It is concluded from the above study on human resource management that, some factors badly affects the satisfaction of a job at the beginning stage of career to rural CMH professionals and their development. Governments and public health services play an important role in addressing the health issues of the workforce by executing time-critical support. The author considers these findings and discussions for increasing job satisfaction to be vital areas for further research. Article contribution to essay 3 This article on human resource management has provided the importance of factors that negatively affect the job satisfaction of rural-based health employees to fill the difference between the personal and professional boundaries of medical professionals. The essay will support in completing the part of work design challenges in a global environment.

Subject Name: Human resource management

Level: Undergraduate

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