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Activities has the Board of Taxation been tasked with

1. Who is the chairman of the Board of Taxation?

2. What activities has the Board of Taxation been tasked with?

3. Where could information be found on the internet regarding the Australian Taxation Office and what they do?

4. Does the Taxpayer’s Charter allow the Australian Taxation Office to disclose your information to other parties? Under what circumstances would this be allowed to occur?

5. Which section of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 includes the value of allowances in assessable income? What is the title of this section?

6. What topic does Taxation Ruling TR 2015/2 discuss?

7. Who has the statutory responsibility for administering the Commonwealth tax system?

8. From where does the Commonwealth Government derive its power to make laws with respect to taxation? 9. What does ITAA36 stand for?

10. Is a definition of the term ‘income’ found anywhere in the tax legislation?

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