1, Run Descriptive statistics for all variables ( 200 words explaination) ( read the analyse in paper given ) 2, Pearson’s correlation matrix ( read the analyse in paper given ) 3, Run regression using STATA as ROA, ROE, Cap are dependent variables, respectively (consider year effects/ industry effects, firm effects) ( each variable 6 models) (follow steps in Does it pay to be really good? Addressing the shape of the relationship between social and financial performance) (present table results same as table 2,3, Does it pay to be really good? Paper) (600 words) (in depth-analysis and compare with other studies- same or different) 4, GMM methods. The estimation of the dynamic model uses a two-step generalized method of moments that provides a consistent and efficient estimator to address potential endogeneity in the model. The instruments are the lags of the dependent variable from t-2 and the lags of the independent variables from t-1. Hansen’s statistic tests instrument validity. Arellano Bond methodology ( follow steps in CSR and financial performance: The Spanish case) (given) (presented result same as table 3,4 CSR and financial performance: The Spanish case) (in depth-analysis and compare with other studies- same or different) (300 words) 5, IV-GMM instrumental variables: GOV, ENV, SOC ( to control endogeneity) instrumental variables (IV) in the model to account for factors not accounted for. ( follow steps in Greed or Good Deeds: An Examination of the Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and the Financial Performance of U.S. Commercial Banks around the Financial Crisis) (in depth-analysis and compare with other studies- same or different) (400 words)
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