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Analyze the behaviour of any 3 significant items in the income statement for the period of six years

We would like Ruth McCarty does this assignment. This is because she has done a good one which is similar to this assignment in the past). Below is the assignment information. Please note that:we uploaded 3 files for you: 1) Accounting Assignment 171_sent.pdf - This contains assignment questions 2) WOW1.xlsx (data file) - The assignment will analyze data based on this file 3) Accounting Assignment Exemplar_sent.pdf - This is an example assignment which lecturer gives us and she expected we should follow this assignment because this is a good assignment. we would like to brief the assignment question as below: ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS 1. Analyse the behaviour of any three significant items in the income statement for the period of six years. Discuss whether your organization’s performance relating to these items appears to be improving, deteriorating, or remaining stable over this period. Explain why you selected those items and what you recognize as the most relevant strategic reasons for the trend/s that you have recognized. Justify your answer. 2. Analyse the behaviour of any three significant items in the balance sheet for the period of six years. Discuss whether your organization’s performance relating to these items appears to be improving, deteriorating, or remaining stable over this period. Explain why you selected those items and what you recognize as the most relevant strategic reasons for the trend/s that you have recognized. Justify your answer. 3. Analyse cash flow statements of the last six years and explain any three major changes which have occurred in relation to investing, financing and/or operating activities of the business. Justify your answer. 4. Calculate two relevant ratios under the four chosen ratio categories (profitability, leverage, solvency, operational efficiency or market ratios) for the period of six years. Give conclusions for your ratio analyses based on the figures you have derived. 5. Identify any two items not included in (or derived from) the financial statements that you think would be important to someone considering whether the organization is performing well. Discuss your reasons for believing that these two items about the company would be important in making an investment decision. (HINT: you might want to consider items discussed in other sections in this unit).

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