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Brief description of the companies, outlining the core activities, the markets they operate within

You are an investment adviser, working to build a foundation of wealth for your clients. One of your wealthiest clients already has a diversified portfolio, which includes managed funds, property, cash/fixed interest and a few direct share investments. They wish to expand their portfolio and are considering one of two companies’ shares to add to their portfolio. (They have an extra $1 million that they wish to invest into company shares.) The companies, which you will compare and examine, are those selected in your groups and must be reported to your lecturer in Class #3. The assignment is a written report and analysis of the firms’ financial performance (including referencing).

1.Prepare a brief description of the companies, outlining the core activities, the markets they operate within and any factors in the companies’ history which you consider help present a “picture” of your company.

2.Specify ownership-governance structure of the company:

•Name the main substantial shareholders: With higher than 20.00% of shareholdings. Based on this argument you should classify a firm as a family or non-family company, and With higher than 5.00% of shareholdings.

•Name the main people involved in the firm governance: A Chairman Board members CEO. Whether any of these people has the same surname as any of substantial shareholders (>20% share capital). If yes- you could use this as an argument for the presence of an owner or family member(s) in the firm’s governance. Whether any of shareholders with more than 5% share capital is involved in firm governance.

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