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Case Study of Collin’s Car Parking System

s you need to address are: Identify and briefly describe the main functional and non-functional requirements for the major systems areas of the case study. Draw a use case model for the information system. Write brief Use Case description for each Use Case in the diagram. Write one fully developed Use Case description for one of the important Use Cases identified. Select an important Use Case that is key part of the system, not a basic simple Use Case. Draw a UML domain model class diagram for all systems in your chosen case study. Be as specific and accurate as possible, given the information provided. If needed information is not given, make realistic assumptions. 4. For each of the five d For each of the five design activity of SDLC, list and briefly describe some specific tasks required for each design activities (i.e., describing the environment, designing application components, user interfaces, the database, and software methods.

Subject Name: Information System

Level: Postgraduate

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