Task: Write a Cell Profile Report (Introduction and Discussion)on Gonocytes which are found in male testis developed from Germ Cells. The key points are provided which are to be followed when writing each section and starting references been provided. I have also attached a sample cell profile report on different cell type. The marking rubric for the assignment is also attached. Further detailed instructions are provided below: Introduction: Cell type – Gonocytes ( brief slides about what is gonocytes is attached in a pdf). This section should be around 3 pages long including images. Provide an introductory paragraph summarising about Gonocytes. What is the function of Gonocytes? Is the function different in the embryo and adult? Where are Gonocytes located? Chooseregion in which Gonocytesare found and focus on that and mention where else it is found in the embryo? What processes does it go through during embryogenesis (and later) to becomethe final, functional Gonocyte ? Outline how Gonocytes are developed fertilisation onwards? (eg: Process of how germ cells are developed w/n testis) With what other tissues must Gonocytes interact in order to function? Keep in mind not onlyproximal tissues, but also important distal interactions eg hormones produced byvarious glands. (example: Signalling – FGF-2/notch signalling in seminiferous epithelium; LH- aid for apoptosis; FSH- produce ABH by Sertoli cells.) Outline aspects of cell-cell adhesion, proliferation, apoptosis and/or migration important for the development of this cell type (example: Sertoli cells, Leydig cells, Apoptosis- maintain ratio of Sertoli cells; SSC undergo proliferation.) Provide some introductory information to your Discussion topic.( example: Cryptorchidism Definition, % affected, 1-2 lines relate to infertility and how male reproductive health needs attention.)
Subject Name: Biology
Level: Undergraduate
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