Task: You have been engaged to provide a report for Regional Gardens in their planned move to a Cloud and Micro services strategy. Your task is to prepare a report on cloud computing assignment for Regional Gardens that discusses the following: Describe the Cloud architectures you would employ to assist Regional Gardens to meet the Board’s cloud strategy? Should Regional Gardens adopt a hybrid Cloud approach, particularly for its data sets? What are the benefits and issues that would arise from this approach? Describe each of the architectures that you would use to meet the Board’s hybrid cloud strategy, along with your reasons for deploying them. Describe the benefits, critical points and issues that would be the likely result of the deployment of these architectures. Describe the major Information Security risks that you see associated with the move to this Microservices strategy for Web Services. You should name and describe each risk that you identify, estimate its likelihood and consequence and then describe a possible control for the risk. This should be presented in a tabular form. Discuss what you would recommend should be included in Regional Gardens' BCP as a result of their adoption of a Cloud and Microservices approach. You will need to consider, as a minimum, the issues of application resilience, backup and disaster recovery in a Hybrid Cloud environment.
Subject Name: Information Technology
Level: Undergraduate
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