Task: Description / Requirements: Over the past two decades, corporate social and environmental disclosures have increasingly been made in separate stand-alone reports in addition to a variety of other media such as web sites. These standalone social and environmental reports have become more complex (and long) as a greater range of issues has been disclosed to meet the supposed information needs of a range of stakeholders. More recently, possibly in response to the increased complexity and length of stand-alone reports, there have been moves to recombine some social and environmental disclosures with financial disclosures in single reports. In contrast to earlier social and environmental disclosures made within annual reports, where the social and environmental information was not integrated with the financial information, these recent moves have sought to integrate social, environmental, financial and governance information ( De Villiers et al. 2014*). This new reporting system is referred to as Integrated Reporting . * De Villiers, C., Rinaldi, L., and Unerman, J. (2014), "Integrated Reporting: Insights, gaps and an agenda for future research", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 27 Iss 7 pp. 1042 – 1067. Required: You are required to research information on the below issues, and then document the results of your research in an essay format with the following suggested sections: Introduction (suggesting 150-200 words); Body (suggesting 800-900 words); Conclusion (suggesting 150-200 words). 1. In line with the view of the above statement, critically analysis the purpose and necessity of corporate integrated reporting and the theory/ies supporting this type of report. 2. Write a conclusion for your research finding along your opinion on benefits (costs) of for society. Additional information: • You are expected to undertake research in order to complete this task. Review of the above-referred journal article can be a good point to start with. Your research should also include further primary source references i.e. peer-reviewed journal articles, professional publications and scholarly books (avoid Wikipedia type material). • You are required to use a minimum of 6 references (minimum 4 academic journal articles and the other 2 can be from other types of resources e.g. professional publications) to support your discussion. Your references can be included the given article. • Word Limit: 1200 words (excluding references), double-spaced, 12-point Ariel or Times New Roman font. A word count must be included. Students exceeding the word limit by more than 10% will incur a mark penalty. Students must submit a properly referenced assignment that complies with the Harvard referencing style. This includes in-text citations and a reference list.
Subject Name: Accounting
Level: Postgraduate
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