Task: Case: You are hired by a client to conduct an analyst service for Coles Group as they are thinking of buying some shares for that company and become their investors. They asked for your help to conduct an analysis of Coles Group’s financial statements and give them some recommendation at the end whether to invest in the business or not. Required: Refer to Coles Group financial statements 2019 and 2018 and make a formal report to your client and use the below questions as a guideline for you to make a recommendation. 1. Comment on their financial performance for the period ended 2019? Do a horizontal analysis for the profit and use 2018 as the base year. Is it better or worse than 2018? Why do you think it happened? Comment on their overall financial performance in 2019compared to 2018. 2a. Calculate their Current ratio and Quick ratio for 2019 and 2018. Compare those two years and give comment whether the current ratio is better or worse in 2019. Find some reasons why the current ratio is better worse. 2b. Explain what are the differences between current ratio and quick ratio. What can you tell about the quick ratio in Coles group compare to their current ratio? Do some research on the industry average and comment whether it is normal for Coles to have those numbers for their ratios. 3. Have a look at the Statement of Cash Flow of Coles group in 2019. What does it mean by operating, investing and financing activities in the statements? Briefly comment on Coles group performance in those 3 activities in 2019.
Subject Name: Finance
Level: Undergraduate
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