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Decision Making Process Assignment: Learning Experience In Clear Vision Communication

Task: Write a report in which you draw on your experience and use examples from your Co-operative Education placement to demonstrate: Your progress during your Co-operative Education experience including a self-evaluation of how your experience has facilitated your ability to apply knowledge from your major to your role, increased your understanding of business and developed your professional skills (1500 words). A comprehensive understanding of a relevant topic through research and application to your role and/or organisation and/or industry. This topic should develop your discipline knowledge beyond that acquired in your role, and your skills as a critical enquirer and problem solver (3500 words). You must only draw on secondary research i.e. relevant academic literature, theories and concepts for your entire report to support your discussion. You must not disclose any confidential information or complete any primary research. The work must not have previously been submitted by yourself or another person. Ensure all researched information has been acknowledged by citing and referencing in APA 6th ed. You are required to: Write a report in which you reflect on your Co-operative Education experience and demonstrate comprehensive understanding of a relevant topic through research and application to your role and/or organisation and/or industry. Your report should include: Introduction and conclusion(s) 5-10% overall word count Reflection (1200- 1500 words) • Introduce your Cooperative Education placement to provide context. Assume the reader knows nothing about your placement – include your role, your organisation and its environment and your industry/sector. • Reflective overview: Discuss your progress and performance in your role, major knowledge and your professional skills against initial thoughts (Your Learning Plan) and expectations. Reflect on things that went well, key challenges that you encountered and how you dealt with these and where to from here (your future plans). You may wish to view the following for guidance on reflection Your Topic (3000-3500 words) • Introduce your topic and discuss how your topic can be applied to your role and/or organisation and/or industry. •Write up your findings from your research (use informative subheadings) in which you demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of your topic. • To demonstrate your understanding of the topic it is expected that you will analyse, synthesise and evaluate the material and evidence you have gathered. • Organise your material and evidence based on your analysis, research and evaluation to arrive at conclusions and if appropriate recommendations. Discuss how these conclusions/recommendations relate to your role, organisation and/or industry

Subject Name: Accounting

Level: Undergraduate

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