Task: LO1: Explore the principles of operations and the characteristics of electrical machines and their industrial Task 1 Discuss the different types of electrical machines and their industrial applications Task 2 Illustrate the principle of operation of DC machines and induction motors with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms. Task 3 Investigate the construction, operation and characteristics of synchronous machines. Task4 Utilize MATLAB and Simulink or similar commercially available software for modelling and simulation of a DC motor. HNC/HND Engineering 3 Task5 Analyze the characteristics of induction motors and their equivalent circuits. Task6 Critically evaluate the performance of DC motors using MATLAB/Simulink or similar commercially available software to corroborate its performance or otherwise LO2 Examine the fundamentals of power electronics converters used in power processing units for electric drives Task 7 Illustrate, with the aid circuit diagrams and waveforms, the operation of a AC to DC uncontrolled or controlled converter (half wave/full wave/three phase). Task 8 Illustrate, with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms, the impact of resistive and inductive loads on the converter's input and output characteristics. Task9 Investigate the importance of input and output filters in a AC to DC converter. Task10 Show how MATLAB and Simulink or similar commercially available software may be used for modelling and simulation of a AC to DC converter. Task11 Evaluate the key performance characteristics of DC to DC converter. Task12 Critically evaluate the performance of DC to DC converter using MATLAB/Simulink software to corroborate its performance or otherwise. LO3 Demonstrate the fundamentals of DC drives and their industrial applications Task13 Discuss the operating modes of DC drives and control parameters. Task14 Explain the importance of DC drives in industrial applications. Task15 Discuss the principle operations of single/three phase choppers with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms. HNC/HND Engineering 4 Task16 Illustrate, with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms, the implementation of closed loop control of DC drives. Task17 Develop an open loop block diagram of a DC motor and derive the relationship between the input and the output of the systems. Task18 Evaluate how DC drive circuits are used to control the speed of DC motors. Task19 Analyze the impact of DC drives on the operation and performance of an industrial control system. LO4 Demonstrate the fundamentals of AC drives and their industrial applications Task 20 Illustrate the operating modes of AC drives, their control parameters and their importance in industrial applications. Task21 Illustrate, with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms, the principles of operations of single/three phase AC drives. Task22 Review, with the aid of circuit diagrams and waveforms, the implementation of closed loop control of ACdrives. Task 23 Develop an open loop block diagram of an induction motor and derive the relationship between the input and the output of the systems. Task 24 Evaluate how AC drive circuits are used to control the speed of induction and synchronous motors. Task 25 Analyze the impact of AC drives on the operation and performance of an industrial control system
Subject Name: Engineering
Level: Postgraduate
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