(i) Read the paper by Gold, Gronewold and Pott (2012):
a. What is the aim of the research paper/project? (3 marks)
b. Draw a table to illustrate the 2 x 3 design (p. 292) showing the six groups and the different information that each group received. (6 marks)
c. What was the purpose of the manipulation checks? (4 marks)
(ii) Read the study by Agyei, Aye and Owusu-Yeboah (2013); along with the study by Okafor and Otalor (2013):
a. Briefly outline the research aims of each study (4 marks)
b. Explain how each study attempts to measure the audit expectation gap and comment on which approach you think is more rigorous, stating reasons why you believe one approach is superior in its rigor. (6 marks)
c. Explain how each study selects the research participants and comment on which approach you think is more rigorous, stating reasons why you believe one approach is superior. (6 marks)
d. Outline the response rate in each study and whether you think the response rates are adequate in each study. (6 marks)
e. Explain how each study goes about analysing the data that is collected and comment on which approach you think is more rigorous, stating reasons why you believe one approach is superior in its rigor. (6 marks)
f. Briefly outline two other significant flaws that you have noticed in the studies. (4 marks)