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Finance Case Study: Investment Appraisal for IHG

BAE Admin

Task: Individual Finance Case Study (1750 words)For this individual case study, you are required to select a company or an organization of your own choice (this could be the company you have working experience with or a company that you target to work for in the future). The recent COVID-19 pandemic has affected the businesses and economy dramatically. The Board of Directors is currently considering diversifying its business risk and plan to make some investments that would help the business sustain and grow in the long term. Assume you were the Chief Financial Officer of the company/organization, you were tasked to produce a report to the Board of Directors that identifies a potential investment project to help the business grow in the post COVID-19 environment. Write a professional report to the Board of Directors. In your report, you shall propose an investment project, considering the risk and return, evaluating the investment opportunity and analyzing its potential impact on the company/organization with consideration of its financial performance before you make recommendation, including the following discussions: 1. Motivation of the proposed investment 2. Conduct investment appraisal using both quantitative and qualitative information 3. Critically discuss the risk and return and its potential impact on its financial performance 4. Conclusion and make recommendation Data can be accessed via FAME for publicly traded UK Company, stock exchange, Yahoo Finance, as well as the annual report and official website. If you choose a private company, please ensure you can assess the data for your analysis. Analysis, links, examples and applications of the concepts and discussion should be made to current businesses and situations to show understanding of this module and its contents.

Subject Name: Finance

Level: Postgraduate

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