Task: This project on financial analysis assignment deals with the analysis of two companies of the same sector, which are in competition with one another), listed in an American stock exchange, Nasdaq, NYSE or American Stock Exchange. The analysis will examine sales, profits, the market share, and some other statistics of the two companies, over a period of five years. Please answer the following questions: Examine the sales of the two companies over a period of five years. Comment and justify the fluctuations in sales over that period based on information from the financial statements of the two companies, news reports and analysis. Examine the income from operations for the two companies over a period of five years. Comment and justify the fluctuations in income from operations over that period based on information from various sources, annual reports news reports and analysis. Make comments! Examine the cash flows from operations for the two companies over a period of five years. Comment and justify the fluctuations in cash flows from operations over that period based on information from the financial statements of the two companies. Make comments! Discuss the relationship between “sales and income from operations” for the two companies over the past five years. Do they move together? Explain! Discuss the relationship between “sales and cash flows”, for the two companies for the past five years. Do they move together? Explain! Discuss the relationship between “income from operations and cash from operations”, over the five year period. Do they move together? Should they move together? Explain!
Subject Name: Finance
Level: Undergraduate
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