Task: Assignment Task Assume the role of a financial analyst and prepare a report a) Explain how the companies’ future/expected profits impact the shares index? Do you think current or future profit is more important for value? b) Explain how and why the escalation in the US-China trade war is making changes to the Australian share market? Do you think the information about political and economic events around the global are impacting the Australian shares market? Why? c) Presents an argument as to whether or not the Australian share market has information efficiency. To illustrate and support each element of the report you are required to use no less than 4 scholarly articles PLUS numbers of books beside any other type of references. You are also required to explore a range of other formats, such as online news broadcasts, newspapers, financial magazines and various financial market websites to enhance the quality and richness of your arguments, descriptions and explanations.
Subject Name: Finance
Level: Undergraduate
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