Task: Reformatted Financial Statements and Financial Analysis: Based on the same company chosen in the group assignment, reformat the company’s financial statements for the past five years in an excel spreadsheet. Produce an individual professional report where ratio and cash flow analysis is performed to evaluate the current and past performance of the company and its sustainability in the future. The report should discuss in details what happened and why the ratios/cash flows changed. Specifically, the report should include the following discussions: Reformatting Present detailed past five years’ reformatted financial statements as an appendix in the report. Ratio analysis: Calculate and discuss key ratios such as ROE, RNOA, PM, ATO, FLEV and NBC. Break down and analyze PM and ATO ratios in further details. Identify and discuss three significant expense items that have caused major changes in profit margin. Identify and discuss three major assets or liabilities whose turnover ratios have contributed to the overall change in assets efficiency. Briefly describe the ratios trend. The analysis should elaborate on the economic, industry and business factors that drive the changes in ratios. The discussion should consistently reflect the same firm fundamentals identified in the group report. Cash flow analysis: Calculate liquidity, solvency and cash flow ratios. Analyze financial risk and cash flow management of the company based on ratios.
Subject Name: Finance
Level: Undergraduate
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