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Health Care Assignment: Importance of Geriatric Care

BAE Admin

Task This health care assignment consists of following parts: Part 1: Critical examination a. Critically examine four holistic factors that predict positive life experiences for an older adult. (approx. 350 words) b. Evaluate the impact of the selected holistic factors (in a.) on life experiences of the older adult in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. (approx. 350 words) c. Provide three insightful recommendations to improve positive ageing outcomes in Aotearoa/ New Zealand. (approx. 300 words) Part 2: Investigation a. Evaluate physiological changes from three body systems that influence the quality of life of an older adult. (approx. 500 words) b. Evaluate three psychosocial factors that impact the quality of life for an older adult

Subject Name: Health Care

Level: Undergraduate

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