6 During hospitalization, the older adult tends to have limited mobility that interferes with his/her activities of daily living. Thus, the benefits procured from increasing the mobility of an older adult during hospitalization may be multifaceted. This would ensure the patient’s return to the pre-hospital level of functioning. It has been mentioned further that simulating the living condition at home acts as a preparatory phase for a return to independence and opening up new vistas for extended rehabilitation (Wanigatunga et al., 2019). This in turn facilitates the patient’s self-confidence in performing the tasks independently on return to home. Moreover, enhanced mobility also ensures that the patient has heightened self-esteem thereby accentuating the chances of quicker recovery (Wanigatunga et al., 2019). It has been documented in studies that incorporation of incidental exercise intervention leads to improvement in upper body strength, mobility and continence. Therefore, it is crucial for the Registered Nurse (RN) to encourage the patient to perform incidental exercise. The RN may adopt the person centered approach by respecting for as well as integration of individual differences by virtue of observing function-promoting nursing practice in fulfilling the desired objective. As aged care is one of the challenging duties for the RN, it is crucial to build a therapeutic rapport with the patient and assess properly. Upon accurate assessment, the RN has to identify the interventions and prioritize them in line with the patient’s (here Oliver’s) wishes (Su Jung et al., 2019). Working in collaboration with other healthcare professionals such a physical therapist is highly recommended to ensure optimal outcomes for Oliver. References Amarya, S., Singh, K., &Sabharwal, M. (2018).Ageing process and physiological changes. In Gerontology.IntechOpen. Bui, U. T., Finlayson, K., & Edwards, H. (2018). Risk factors for infection in patients with chronic leg ulcers: A survival analysis. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 72(12), e13263. Chamanga, E. T. (2018). Understanding venous leg ulcers. British journal of community nursing, 23(Sup9), S6-S15. Donelan, K., Chang, Y., Berrett-Abebe, J., Spetz, J., Auerbach, D. I., Norman, L., &Buerhaus, P. I. (2019). Care management for older adults: The roles of nurses, social workers, and physicians. Health Affairs, 38(6), 941-949. Dyer, A. H., Ryan, D., & O’Callaghan, S. (2018). ‘Acopia’and ‘inability to cope 'remain unhelpful and pejorative labels for complexity in older adults presenting to the acute hospital. Age and ageing, 47(3), 488-488. Hommel, A., &Santy-Tomlinson, J. (2018). Pressure Injury Prevention and Wound Management. In Fragility Fracture Nursing (pp. 85-94).Springer, Cham. Jones, C. (2017). Safe sedation, codeine restrictions and NAD 17 lead media coverage. ANZCA Bulletin, 26(4), 12. Kim, J., & Parish, A. L. (2017).Polypharmacy and medication management in older adults. Nursing Clinics, 52(3), 457-468. McGovern, J., &Sarabia, S. (2018). Substance abuse among older adults: Context, assessment, and treatment. In New directions in treatment, education, and outreach for mental health and addiction (pp. 111-124). Springer, Cham. Michaelsen, J. J. (2020). The 'difficult patient' phenomenon in home nursing and 'self?inflicted' illness. Scandinavian journal of caring sciences. Pugliese, D. J. (2016). Infection in venous leg ulcers: considerations for optimal management in the elderly. Drugs & aging, 33(2), 87-96. Rodríguez-Acelas, A. L., de Abreu Almeida, M., Engelman, B., &Cañon-Montañez, W. (2017). Risk factors for health care–associated infection in hospitalized adults: systematic review and meta-analysis. American Journal of Infection Control, 45(12), e149-e156. Strudwick, R. M. (2016). Labelling patients. Radiography, 22(1), 50-55. Su Jung, L. E. E., Mi So, K. I. M., & You Jin, J. U. N. G. (2019). The effectiveness of function-focused care interventions in nursing homes: a systematic review. The Journal of Nursing Research, 27(1), 1. Wanigatunga, A. A., Gill, T. M., Marsh, A. P., Hsu, F. C., Yaghjyan, L., Woods, A. J., ...&Pahor, M. (2019). Effect of Hospitalizations on Physical Activity Patterns in Mobility?Limited Older Adults. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 67(2), 261-268.
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Undergraduate
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