Task This assessment task must be all your own work. You should keep a spare copy of your work. Please refer to the guidelines below, as well as the marking rubric. Critical appraisal : One important part of using research is the ability to understand and appraise research. Appraising research incorporates understanding how research is conducted, critically appraising the study strengths and limitations, and understanding implications of the research. In this assignment you are required to critically appraise two (2) peer-reviewed research articles, one involving quantitative and one involving qualitative research. Your papers are as follows: Liang, Z, Howard, P & Wollersheim, D 2017, 'Assessing the Competence of Evidence Informed Decision-Making Amongst Health Service Managers', Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 16-23. Savic, M, Chur-Hansen, A, Mahmood, MA & Moore, V 2013, 'Separation from family and its impact on the mental health of Sudanese refugees in Australia: a qualitative study', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol 37, no. 4, p. 383.
Subject Name: Health Care
Level: Undergraduate
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