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Health Inequalities among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

s. Indigenous and non-Indigenous AustraliansPeace and Conflict Studies, 25(1), 4. Howard-Wagner, D. (2018). Governance of indigenous policy in the neo-liberal age: indigenous disadvantage and the intersecting of paternalism and neo-liberalism as a racial project. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 41(7), 1332-1351. Lee, A. (2016). Closing the nutrition gap in Indigenous health disadvantage. Nutridate, 27(3), 3. Manifold, A., Atkinson, D., Marley, J. V., Scott, L., Cleland, G., Edgill, P., & Singleton, S. (2019). Complex diabetes screening guidelines for high-risk adolescent Aboriginal Australians: a barrier to implementation in primary health care. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 25(5), 501-508. McFarlane, K., Devine, S., Judd, J., Nichols, N., & Watt, K. (2017). Workforce insights on how health promotion is practised in an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service. Australian journal of primary health, 23(3), 243-248. Thompson, G., Talley, N. J., & Kong, K. M. (2017). The health of Indigenous Australians. The Medical Journal of Australia, 207(1), 19-20. Twizeyemariya, A., Guy, S., Furber, G., & Segal, L. (2017). Risks for mental illness in Indigenous Australian children: a descriptive study demonstrating high levels of vulnerability. The Milbank Quarterly, 95(2), 319-357. Visser, H., Passey, M., Walke, E., & Devlin, S. (2019). Screening for latent tuberculosis infection by an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service, New South Wales, Australia, 2015. Indigenous and non-Indigenous AustraliansWestern Pacific Surveillance and Response Journal: WPSAR, 10(4), 24.

Subject Name: Health Care

Level: Undergraduate

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