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Healthcare Essay Critiquing Research Process in Health Care Practices

s identified with research that don't include research misconduct behavior or other offense ought to be settled inside the proper research groups, center, or office. Such questions may identify with origin, attribution of credit, privacy, admittance to or understandings of information, straightforward carelessness, contrasts of assessment, or legit mistake. While there are many repercussions, in terms of legal aspects, the researcher may lose his job, may be taken criminal action against owing to being a fraud, loses credibility in circle, may be fined or incarcerated. Hence researchers may face civil or criminal penalties. Legal issues cannot be avoided in case a research misconduct has taken place. Steps can be taken to avoid misconduct. Steps such as staying transparent when it comes to conducting the research, keep an amicable relationship with peer and discuss the findings, not avoiding questions and carefully addressing all doubts is vital. It's the kind of situation that can malign an organization's standing in a moment when news leaks that a star performer in research, conducted fraud, when there were millions of funding involved. Now, the institution will face legal actions and will have to pay in compensation, millions of dollars. There needs to be in place appropriate policies related to academic research and healthcare research which are actually followed and not just on papers. There needs to be a standardization for supervision at all stages of research tests. Process rigor is mandated so that progress can be crosscheck historically. Appropriate accounting of time dedicated to research work is done. Appropriate expectations are also set for what can and cannot count. Not only this, the institution must also reevaluate the grant accounting function such that they do not fall in legal trouble in case of a mishap (Tourish& Craig, 2020, pp. 174-187). Critical Examination of research methods and methodologies in healthcare practices The two major research paradigms are positivistic or quantitative and naturalistic or qualitative. They represent two different perspectives of conducting a research. For qualitative perspective, knowledge comes from internal reality and for quantitative research, knowledge comes from external and measurable reality. Qualitative perspectives are more fluidic compared to quantitative perspectives which are fixed or unchanging. Many researchers believe in both and conduct a mixed method research which combines both the research philosophies (Sileyew, 2019). Healthcare research actually involves interaction with a lot of people or what is known as patient engagement. Point to be noted here is this that not many researchers can have that access, mostly because of lack of experience. Incase patient engagement is done improperly or poorly, potential risks cannot be evaded even despite best of intentions and efforts. This is why qualitative healthcare research has taken precedence and is popular in healthcare research. A good qualitative research could incorporate patient’s experiences and narration into the design of the research, can access many diverse perspectives of patients, treat them equally and as partners on the research team (Majid & Vanstone, 2018, pp. 2115 – 2131). Secondary research method is most effective research method for continuing a research further. There is presence of so much research and ongoing research as well that there is ample data available. Researchers can take permission and also gain access to data of ongoing research or research whose data is not public and use the existing data in research for healthcare practices. Application of certain research method and methodology in evidence-based-practices in healthcare in New-Zealand Evidence based-practice or EBP is the honest, clear and reasonable utilization of current best proof in settling on choices about the consideration of the individual patient("UC Library Guides: Evidence-Based Practice in Health: Introduction", 2021). It implies coordinating individual clinical aptitude with the best accessible outside clinical proof from deliberate exploration. EBP has grown over the long run to now incorporate the best research proof, clinical skills, the patient's individual qualities and conditions, and the attributes of the training wherein the wellbeing proficient works (Lehane et al., 2019, pp. 103-108). This points to the fact that mostly secondary research method is utilized as it allows utilization of numerous done and available research data and facts. While the researches accessed could have different types of research methodology adopted, hence it cannot be specifically pointed out that only qualitative methodology is used. It could well be a mixed methodology with ample inputs forming a data in form of pattern, backed by qualitative data as evidence. A good researcher will access just the right studies and quickly analyse the data, may be with the use of Big Data, or other data handling tools to derive the correct statistics to form the base of EBP for pursuing a course. Evidence Based Practice brings along the benefit of consistent better results which further leads eventually in reduction in costs related to equipments needed for healthcare (2021). Hence, allowing the healthcare organisations to save costs. For instance, old research based practices which involved larger equipments, numerous tools and procedures are now no longer needed because of findings from new research (Robb et al., 2017). In this way, EBP isnot just about applying the best exploration proof to decision making, but also about utilizing the experience, abilities and training that one may have as a healthcare expert and considering the patient's circumstance and qualities (for example social help, monetary circumstance), just as the practicecontext (for example restricted financing) in which one may be working (Murphy, 2020). This process is clinical reasoning and it utilizes the information generated using mixed-method study and secondary research method to best use. ? Conclusion This essay is about various research related information in healthcare practice. Healthcare practice is a forever evolving sector with new research being published almost every day. The first segment of the essay focuses on the research process itself. It discusses the involved eight stages and explains them. The second segment may involve presenting critique post analysing the legal aspect and the ethical aspect of research process. In this section different examples were also quoted in context of healthcare research in New Zealand.The last two sections focused on understanding the method and methodologies involved in healthcare practices, their philosophies, what gets more preference in healthcare research and why. Their application in evidence based practice was also discussed. References Agger, P., Stephenson, R. S., & Hasenkam, J. M. (2017). The First Steps into Research. In A Practical Guide to Biomedical Research (pp. 3-9). Springer, Cham. Data Collection. (2021). Retrieved 10 June 2021, from Dive, G. Stages in Scientific Research Process. Heke, D., Wilson, D., & Came, H. (2019). Shades of competence? A critical analysis of the cultural competencies of the regulated-health workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 31(8), 606-612. (2021). 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Subject Name: Health Care

Level: Undergraduate

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