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HIS 270 5-1 Discussion: Managing the Environment

BAE Admin

In a variety of ways, the rise of Progressivism at the turn of the twentieth century was a response to the unregulated excesses of the late nineteenth century. With respect to the environment, this meant confronting the reality of finite resources and the need to conserve resources in order to ensure a sustainable future. Beyond conservation, preservation—the practice of maintaining environments in their natural state—emerged out of the progressive era as a further attempt at regulating an environment that had been under- or unregulated until the twentieth century.

In your initial post, address the following statement:

  1. Discuss the development of both the conservation and preservation movements, paying particular attention to the politics of regulating the environment, the similarities and differences between the movements, and their comparative impacts on the environment.

Relate your initial post to this week's readings and resources.

When responding to your peers, discuss inherent tension that exists between the conservationist and the preservationist mindset.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric document.

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