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Human resource management essay: Annotated Bibliography of 5 Articles

The study is conducted herein human resource management essaywith a purpose to investigate and analyse implication of the models of strategic human resource management on the attractiveness of transport sector. HRM strategies integrated into business plans and efficient personnel management to attain predetermined objectives. The paper determines strategic objectives and their link with performance and innovation based work culture. It consists of several activities and practices, recruitment, selection, wage and salary, training and development of employee to promote work-performance (Batarliene et al., 2017). Research questions as per the study undertaken in this segment of human resource management essay are: 1. How HRM doescontribute to the competitive advantage of businesses in transport sector? 2. Which sustainable HRM models lead to employee management for attaining strategic objectives? Outline of the Method Under this study developed in the human resource management essay, the research is conducted using quantitative method, wherein questionnaires were circulated amongst HR managers and personnel department managers of Lithuanian transport sector. Here, survey was carried out by sending out questionnaires to 14 people through email, i.e. sample size was (14) from numerous companies. The respondents asked to describe the recruitment techniques followed in these transport firms. HR managers interviewed candidates and selected them, and the respondents argued about the employee involvement into organisational practices and objectives. This calls for managing employees and developing them to improve overall organisational performance(Gile et al., 2018). Findings It has found that human resource management is a core business activity that leads to effective employee management and organisational development. Advertising and effective recruitment and training of the staff are some of the common HR practices that lead to sustainability. Moreover, competition in the transport sector was average, and measures taken to increase competitiveness include advertising, employee training and development, and implementation of quality management systems (Ozbilgin, 2019). Conclusion To conclude the discussion on human resource management essay, competitive advantage is a crucial factor determining long-term growth and success of the organisation. Under this study, the component of employee management competence influences the competitive advantage of the firms. It benefits both the employees and organisation, as they invest in training and career development for increasing their productivity, leading to high commitment towards organisational goals. This mainly includes satisfying customers, innovation and teamwork facilitating competitive edge over other firms in the industry. Relevance This article explored in the human resource management essay is relevant for the Assessment 3 as it explains the effective working of the people, and their management in the organisation towards sustainability. This will assist in conducting further study on the management of human resources with the increasing global risks and issues in business environment. Conclusion To conclude the above articles in the annotated discussion on human resource management essay, it can bestated that human resource acts as a catalyst for the sustainable growth and advantage in the business. Increasing productivity of the organisation requires implementing several approaches and practices such as leadership, mentoring, compensation management and performance appraisal. Several challenges occur in businesses, impacting employee motivation, and their effectiveness such as communication and cultural differences, technology and other competent resources. These articles represented different aspects of employee management, talent management and talent development. HR managers can implement different strategies and models such as leadership, agency theory to direct the conflicting interests of employees towards organisational objectives. Thus, entire working of the research summarized that HRM has significantly contributed in achieving the strategic goals in the global challenging business environment. Hence, the human resource management essaycarried out the analysis of the HRM and their implications on business performance in systematic manner. References Aithal, P. S. (2017). Industry Analysis–The First Step in Business Management Scholarly Research. Human resource management essayInternational Journal of Case Studies in Business, IT and Education (IJCSBE), 1(1), 1-13. Bakker, A. B. (2017). Strategic and proactive approaches to work engagement. Organizational Dynamics, 46(2), 67-75. 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(2018).The effect of human resource management on performance in hospitals in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review. Human resource management essayHuman Resources for Health, 16(1), 34–34. Golubovskaya, M., Solnet, D. & Robinson, R. N. S. (2019).Recalibrating talent management for hospitality: a youth development perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 31(10), 4105–4125. Lisak, A., Erez, M., Sui, Y. & Lee, C. (2016).The positive role of global leaders in enhancing multicultural team innovation. Journal of International Business Studies, 47(6), 655–673. Liu, Y., Vrontis, D., Visser, M., Stokes, P., Smith, S., Moore, N. &Ashta, A. (2020). Talent management and the hr function in cross-cultural mergers and acquisitions: the role and impact of bi-cultural identity. Human Resource Management Review. Loon, M., Otaye-Ebede, L. & Stewart, J. (2019). 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(2020).The role of HRM in developing sustainable organizations: contemporary challenges and contradictions. Human Resource Management Review, 30(3), 100685, Presbitero, A. (2017). How do changes in human resource management practices influence employee engagement? a longitudinal study in a hotel chain in the Philippines. Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality & Tourism, 16(1), 56–70. Sheehan, C., De Cieri, H., Cooper, B. K. & Brooks, R. (2016).The impact of HR political skill in the HRM and organisational performance relationship. Australian Journal of Management, 41(1), 161-181. Taylor, M. A. &Bisson, J. B. (2020).Changes in cognitive function: practical and theoretical considerations for training the aging workforce. Human Resource Management Review, 30(2). Zaman, U. &Nadeem, R. D. (2019).Linking Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and affective organizational commitment: Role of CSR strategic importance and organizational identification. Human resource management essayPakistan Journal of Commerce and Social Sciences (PJCSS), 13(3), 704-726.

Subject Name: Human resource management

Level: Postgraduate

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