: What are the challenges faced in the domain of Human Resource Management in the healthcare industry? Method: The author has selected secondary methods that are a literature review for conducting research. Owing to the benefits of secondary research, the author has collected information through magazines, journals, the internet and various books on Human Resource Management. Findings and discussion: In the works of Manimaran and Kumar (2016) another recruitment challenge was addressed. It is noticed that in the health care sector of India, private health care is more preferred that the public. This raises conflict among the professional that work in enormous fields of health care. The conflict further raises variation in the remuneration, morale and employment benefits of the workforce. Manimaran and Kumar (2016) suggest that research should be undertaken, realistic theoretical models should be developed for addressing HRM practices in the Health care industry. The author discusses the basic HRM practices involve recruitment, hiring and retention of the professionals The health care issues that are impacted by the Human Resource Management are different in various regions of the world. In this regard, the articles discuss that health managers participate in the perceptions of organizational support like rewards and recognition. Human Resource Management managers often face difficulty in recruiting health professionals due to the economic factor. The employees do not get incentives for hard work thus are demotivated. The author explains major challenges in health care that are change management, reward- recognition, leadership development, performance and management appraisal, staffing challenges. Leadership development can be improved through the planning of effective training programs in health care units. This helps to shape decision-making skills and other interpersonal skills of the workforce. The health care units are not profitable organizations thus rewards and recognitions are essential for boosting the morale of the employees. The most critical challenge is staffing thus, due to low salary structure inefficient HRM contributes to high attrition rates. Thus, Human Resource Management should be restructured in the developing regions of India to meet the staffing challenges that will further raise the overall service of the health care sector. Conclusion: The challenges in HRM practices in the developing regions has been discussed. The article is based on secondary research due to which limitations of the article remains. The author suggests the real world and dynamic Human Resource Management models should be restructured for developing nations. Contribution: This article is another perfect fit for addressing challenges that relate to recruitment, retention and workforce issues in the health care sector. This article will provide greater insights into Human Resource Management and thus helping us to understand the importance of HRM in every organization.
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Undergraduate
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