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IDS 400 1-3 Final Project Review

In this course, we will explore how critically looking at an issue or event of diversity can enhance the way you understand the world around you. We’ll take a closer look at what diversity is and how it is created, along with the impact of all of this on your personal and professional life.

Together, we’ll explore the interconnectedness of diversity and society to explore questions such as the following:

  • What is the impact of cultural practices that discriminate against certain groups?

  • How can history help us understand rap music?

  • How can the interaction of different cultures and backgrounds impact the economy?

  • What can video games tell us about gender barriers in the computer programming world?

As part of this process, you will work on a course project. You will use the information you gather in the first part of the project to help you complete the second. Throughout the course, you will have opportunities to work directly on different elements of the project.

In Final Project Part One, due in Module Seven, you will create a critical analysis portfolio that documents your analysis of an issue or event of diversity through the four lenses: history, the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural and applied sciences. By viewing the issue or event through these lenses, you will gain insight into how the intersectional nature of diversity affects society. You will also learn how both your own individual framework of perception and the choices, attitudes, and behaviors of others in the world around you are affected by diversity.

Along the way, you will work on specific elements of the projects. You will receive feedback to make sure you are on the right track.

  • Milestone One: In Milestone One, due in Module Two, you will select an issue or event of diversity to analyze through the four lenses. You will explain the issue or event and its relationship to society, and you will also describe its connection to the four lenses.

  • Milestone Two: In Milestone Two, due in Module Four, you will submit one document file containing two separate analyses of your issue or event through the lenses of humanities and the social sciences. You are expected to incorporate references into the course materials and your own research.

  • Milestone Four: In Milestone Four, due in Module Six, you will submit one document file containing two separate analyses of your issue or event through the lenses of history and the natural and applied sciences. You are expected to incorporate references into the course materials and your own research.

In Final Project Part One, a critical analysis proposal, you will submit your analyses within a single document file that will include an analysis of each lens, plus an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Be sure to support your analyses with appropriate and relevant evidence from theory and research.

In Final Project Part Two, also due in Module Seven, you will develop a multimedia presentation in which you will have a chance to reflect on what you have learned about diversity, yourself, and society through analyzing your issue or event’s impact. You will take these reflections and communicate them to an audience in the form of a slide presentation. You’ll be challenged to creatively incorporate audio and visual elements in this presentation to enhance the delivery of your message.

Note: An internal or external microphone or headset is required for better results when recording the oral narration of your presentation. You can also use the incorporated microphone on your computer or mobile phone.

  • Milestone Three: In Milestone Three, due in Module Five, you’ll use your analysis from Final Project Part One as a starting point to begin your reflection. In particular, you will reflect on the intersectional nature of diversity and its impact on your individual framework of perception, your discipline of study, and society in general. This assignment will be submitted as a presentation draft that includes speaker notes.

For further details on these projects, refer to the Final Project Part One and Final Project Part Two Guidelines and Rubric documents. These can also be found in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section within the Start Here module of this courses. Each document also includes detailed instructions for submission and a supporting rubric that explains how your submission will be graded.

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