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IHP 525 2-2 Journal: Article Selection

BAE Admin

Updated: Jul 13, 2021


This journal is an opportunity to discuss the merits of the articles you selected from the list provided.

Your journal response needs to relate to the content in the course and to your personal and professional experiences, and specifically answer the following:

  • What topic or health question did you research and why is it relevant to public health, nursing, or the health science professions? Give real-world examples to support your answer.

  • How can biostatistics help inform decision making around your topic? Support your answer with specific examples.

  • Explain why you picked these specific articles to examine over others in the Articles List. Justify your answer.

  • Assess each article’s importance to health decision making in your field. Give real-world examples to illustrate your answer.

For additional details, please refer to the Journal Guidelines and Rubric document.

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