Learning Objectives: On the completion of this 10 credit one term module you will be able to: Outline and explain the scope and purpose of research; Critically review academic literature; Devise an appropriate research topic and state the aims and associated objectives; Propose appropriate research methods for the collection, analysis and presentation of data; Outline the importance and relevance of ethical considerations in research.
Task Write a individual research proposal and associated ethics approval application, totaling 3000 words, based upon a topic or specie theme within your chosen academic discipline. You should identify the specie research question yourself; there are of course a number of approaches to selecting a suitable research topic, but in general it should interest you intellectually { ask yourself the question: what do you nd most interesting about the discipline you are studying? It can be inspired by other modules you have studied during your course, recent research developments, as well as informed by your wider domain interests or potentially what career you may wish to pursue in the future.