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Introduction and explanation of the business and any important contextual information that assists

For this group assignment, you are required to select one of the following companies to analyse and assess: Commonwealth Bank of Australia Qantas Woolworths Resources relevant to the group assignment have now been uploaded to LearnJCU under "Subject Materials". These include: Annual/Financial reports for the 2016 year for the companies listed above - these are to form the basis of your analysis. An example of a good and a bad group assignment from a previous year. Please read carefully through the Subject Outline for all requirements of this assessment.

The report should adhere to the following requirements:

• Report length should be no more than 2000 words, not including the Executive Summary, Appendices, or Bibliography.

• Executive summary (The first page of your report - one page absolute maximum, double spaced) It is essential that you obtain the JCU resource that describes what ‘a report’ is, and then demonstrate that you are able to comply with it.

• Contents page

• Introduction and explanation of the business and any important contextual information that assists in understanding the financial data you are analyzing and presenting. (short but sufficient to provide context)

• Discussion and critical analysis of financial statements and accompanying material in the context of the particular business and economy, competitors, and any other relevant information and data that enhance Version: 2017_2 -11- understanding of the business’s financial situation. In this section you will draw on the analysis you have undertaken, details of which will be in the appendices of your report.

• Conclusion about the financial performance and position of the business, how you see its likely future performance and any other relevant conclusion supported by your analysis and discussion.

• An appendix containing details of your analysis. Depending on which analytical tools you choose to use, this could include vertical and horizontal analysis, and ratios analysing the business’s liquidity, working capital management, solvency, capital structure and gearing, profitability and efficiency and market performance and other relevant areas that you discuss in the body of your report, trend analysis and so on.

• An appendix of the three core financial statements for the years that are analysed.

• Other relevant material that enhances your analysis and discussion

• Bibliography in proper academic format using APA conventions (if you are unsure of how to do this, please consult the library guides)

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