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It Ethics Assignment: Importance Of Ethics For Programmers

Task: In Task 1 you will create an argument visualization using the Mindmap software and you will produce a report in Task 2, which details the argument you construct in your argument visualization. Choose ONE of the following media articles or case studies to prepare this IT ethics assignment: 1. This New Facebook Tool Reveals How You Are Being Tracked Online 2. Programmers need ethics when designing the technologies that influence people’s lives 3. Does regulating artificial intelligence save humanity or just stifle innovation? 4. I decided to quit Twitter and I feel like a new man 5. Artificial intelligence in Australia needs to get ethical, so we have a plan Now follow the instructions given below to complete Task 1: Use the title of the article/case study as the title of your argument visualization so that the lecturer knows which article you are analyzing. Undertake further research about your chosen case and the ethical issue involved, to assist you in analyzing it in your argument visualization (and in your report in Task 2). Identify logical arguments and construct an argument visualization using Mindmap software. Your visualization should contain the conclusion, and all of the reasons and objections leading to that conclusion. Your argument visualization should present a logical argument for your subsequent report in Task 2. Your report will develop these arguments based on a deeper analysis of the ethical issue(s). Your report should contain all of the arguments contained in your visualization, and you should not introduce new arguments in your report that are not in your visualization. Mindmap - Mapped (argument visualization information) - Task 2 (17%): Applying Ethical Theories Follow the instructions given below to complete this task. Write a report based on your argument visualization created in Task 1 and the media article or case study you selected in Task 1. Undertake further research about your chosen case and the ethical issues involved, to assist you in analyzing and discussing it in your report. Analyze the ethical issues applying the classical ethical theories, including utilitarianism, deontology, contract, and virtue. Your report should present well-reasoned arguments, logically leading to appropriate recommendations. You should not introduce new arguments in your report that were not contained in your argument visualization, and your report should contain all of the arguments contained in your visualization. Write an overall conclusion that justifies your recommendations made in your report.

Subject Name: Computer Science

Level: Undergraduate

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