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Management Accounting Assignment: Ontological & Epistemological Approaches

BAE Admin

Task Management Accounting Assignment Topic: Critique of strategic management accounting practices Generally speaking, accounting researchers approach their task from one of two ontological foundations. These two approaches are mutually exclusive – meaning that a researcher cannot engage both approaches to reach sound conclusions. The accounting researcher’s approach depends entirely on how he/she views the world and which ontological assumption is adopted. Dillard (1991) presents an excellent description of these two foundations. Students are required to familiarise themselves with the first 4 pages of this article (Dillard, 1991, pp 8 – 12) to gain an understanding of the two approaches. In this century, the role of the management accountant and management accounting practice (MAP) has witnessed a transition. Today the focus is on what Porter (1991) describes as ‘competitive advantage’ in order to meet their long-term objectives. It is imperative for businesses to understand, gain, maintain and leverage their competitive advantages in order to succeed. There are many tools available to the management accountant who seeks to achieve this. Tools like Balanced Scorecard, SWOT analysis, PEST analysis and Porter’s 5 Force Model are examples. It is in the context of this competitive environment that Arnold (1999) composed a critique of management accounting in an article titled, “FROM THE UNION HALL: A LABOR CRITIQUE OF THE NEW MANUFACTURING AND ACCOUNTING REGIMES”. One of the crucial findings is that modern corporations (with tacit approval from mainstream accounting academics) are engaged in a purposeful process which aims to appropriate employee knowledge and undermine the power of labor unions. It is through this process that Arnold (1999) implies that modern corporations are reductionist. I.e., they seek to reduce people to numbers in order to maximise profits. Arnold’s (1999) research location is in a US city – Decatur, Illinois. She is examining 3 companies, Caterpillar, A.E. Staley and Bridgestone/Firestone. She conducts interviews with employees and union officials and makes some interesting conclusions. Required: Read the 2 articles referenced above then answer the following questions in essay format. You may structure the essay in any way you see fit but do not use bullet points. Approximate word limits for each section are provided. 1. Based on your reading of the first 4 pages of Dillard’s (1991, pp 8 – 12) article, describe the ontological and epistemological approach adopted by Arnold (1999). Provide justification for your answer. (500 words) 2. Consider the meaning of the word ‘reductionist’ above and discuss the following quote (1000 words): “A segment of the labor movement…. demonstrate that the conventional wisdom is neither neutral nor universally accepted, but rather constitutes a partisan rhetoric that is embroiled in a power struggle over meaning and signification” (Arnold, 1999, p413).

Subject Name: Accounting

Level: Postgraduate

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