Task: Microeconomics Assignment TASK 1 – 60% (1500 words) Demand and Supply analysis are fundamental to any business thus every business must understand its impact and dynamics. Demand and Supply analysis therefore underlines to some extent the growth and success of most businesses in our society today. Critically analyze the following micro economics concepts with reference to any business of your choice. 1.1 Explain the law of Demand, movement along the same demand curve (with the aid of diagram) and changes in demand curve (with the aid of diagram). 1.2 Explain the law of Supply, movement along the same supply curve (with the aid of diagram) and changes in supply curve (with the aid of diagram). TASK 2 – 40% (1000 words) Compare and contrast emerging theories and models in 21st century contemporary economics with those of the 20th century, and relate both of these to modern business practices.
Subject Name: Economics
Level: Undergraduate
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