Task: To pass this Supplementary Assessment you are required to gain an overall mark of 50% or greater. The maximum mark you can gain for this Supplementary Assessment is a Pass mark. You are undertaking an Environmental Impact Assessment for a new Uranium Mine tenement that lies adjacent to Kakadu National Park. What legislation do you have to adhere to and briefly provide an overview of what the legislation is about? Your answers can be placed in a 2-column table i.e. that in column 1 names the legislation and column 2 describes it. Complete the following table to gain an understanding of the major forms of mineralization found in Australia. Provide examples of such mines, along with their geographic location (include state or territory), from the literature. Your answers must specify the major ores types mined at each of these mines, and the rock types (geology) that hosts the ore. Table 2.1 Styles of mineralization, ores and associated geologies found in Australia Styles of Mineralization Definition of style of mineralization Mine Name (example) and URL of web site. Geographic location of mine (include State or Territory) Major Ore types mined at mine Host rock/s of ore/s from local geology Volcanic Hosted Massive Sulphide (VHMS) Banded Iron Formation Placer Deposit (choose 1 deposit only) Hydrothermal Deposit Porphyry Copper Deposit Secondary Enrichment Deposit e.g. Bauxite Adani has recently gained the requisite legislative and other approvals to start its mining operations in the Galilee Basin in Queensland. What were the major issues this company had to address before it could proceed? What was the State and Federal Government legislation that had to be addressed? Describe a longwall coal mining method where the panels are mined on retreat. Use correct terminology to describe the various types of development. What is a typical panel size? How far should development be kept ahead of the producing panel? Why is this important? What are the engineering factors that limit the production capacity of the longwall mining method? Research Kalgoorlie gold mining operations. How much gold is produced annually from the Fimiston Super Pit? Describe the mining method used by KCGM to produce gold from the Fimiston Super Pit? Discuss the depth of the mine, the size of the haul truck fleet and the key pieces of equipment used. How much longer is the pit expected to produce gold? Looking at the history of gold mining in the Kalgoorlie region what has influenced the choice of open cut or underground mining methods over time?
Subject Name: Engineering
Level: Diploma
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