Task: There are two core components to this activity: to develop a draft report framework (plan) as an in-class activity and then using that framework (plan) create an individual report based on the organisation’s/companies organisational performance relating to: organisation culture change and innovation, employee engagement, performance and reward. Assessment Description PART A (In-Class Draft Report Framework) In Week 3/4 you will need to select an Australian organisation/company of your choice from the Australia’s top 200 listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). You can find the list of companies at https://www.asx200list.com/ However, you CANNOT select organisation/company from the Banking, Airline, Supermarkets or the Telecommunication Sectors. You should not be choosing a Franchise Company. You should discuss your ideas with your Facilitator before commencing PART B. (Individual Report) By looking at the organisation’s/company’s website, business articles and Annual Reports, you will be able to see whether it is possible to access enough information about its organisational practices to address the following: 1. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve the performance of its workforce? • Include at least one performance related initiative and one way in which its success could be measured 2. How is your selected organisation/company trying to improve its culture? • Include at least one culture-based initiative and identify the type of culture prevalent within the organisation/company 3. How is your organisation trying to improve their rates of employee engagement? • Include at least one employment-based initiative and the likelihood of success?
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Undergraduate
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