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Prepare an analysis to determine whether Atmel Ltd should purchase the required slit steel directly

a. Prepare an analysis to determine whether Atmel Ltd should purchase the required slit steel directly from Jardensteel Ltd. Provide all calculations to support your analysis. b. Analyse the option of Purchasing the 49-centimetre-wide sheet steel from Jardensteel and have it slit by Parker Pty Ltd into 60 output tonnes, 5 centimetres wide 85 output tonnes, 9 centimetres wide. Provide all calculations to support your analysis. c. Analyse the option of Atmel Ltd taking advantage of Parker’s reduced slitting rates by purchasing 100 output tonnes of each width. Provide calculations to support your analysis. d. Independent of your answer to above parts, present three additional reasons, reflecting qualitative rather than financial information, as to why Atmel Ltd may favour the purchase of the slit steel directly from Jardensteel Ltd. e. Suppose Barrett Mann’s final analysis shows that purchasing slit steel directly from Jardensteel is Atmel’s least costly option. Before making his decision, Mann receives a call from a good friend who is the production manager at Parker Pty Ltd. His friend has called to urge Mann to use Parker’s services. ‘We’re really hurting here at Parker, Mann’, his friend insists. ‘If we don’t get this job, it’s going to be a long cold winter for some of us’. Discuss Barrett Mann’s ethical obligations in this matter. (Assume company has a code of conduct which has the fundamental principles such as Integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality and professional behavior)

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