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Provide an overview of the reasons that lead to the collapse of the Dick Smith Group

a.Provide an overview of the reasons that lead to the collapse of the Dick Smith Group. b.From your answer to part a, discuss specific actions from management (including earnings management practices) that contributed to the demise of the group. You are expected to cite content from the reading in your own words to support your answers. c.Who are the stakeholders who may have been impacted by the corporate failure if the Dick Smith Group? Describe the concerns of Two stakeholder groups and how they have been affected. d.The status and reputation of the accounting profession have been impacted by Dick Smiths corporate collapse in the eyes of the community. What caused the reactions? Explain with facts from the case. What can the profession do to repair the damage? Provide two suggestions. Section B Ball and Brown are highly acclaimed accounting researchers. Explain the rationale, method and finding of their 1968 research study, highlighting particularly the importance and significance of their contributions in capital markets research.

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