Task: The assessment suite in this subject is designed to provide students with a framework to understand organisational behaviour, politics and the dynamics of the business environment. The assessment suite aims to equip students with the necessary skills to understand the constraints managers and emerging leaders face in developing strategies to leverage advantages and overcome constraints and barriers ¡n organisations. Instructions: The assignment should include: the use of three naturally occurring data (e.g. conversations, emails, corporate artefacts that regularly occur, etc.); Understand the nature of naturally occurring data and how this can be objectively analysed to inform your practice and influence your behavior Analyse and discuss how the structure and characteristics of organisations can influence and constrain managers and their decision making Identify the range of organisational stakeholders and explain how managers can manage effective relationships with them to motivate, manage and lead them to a preferred decision outcome Apply a range of techniques and strategies to communicate effectively to a culturally diverse range of stackeholders Assessment of personal strengths and weaknesses as viewed by self and others (ensure you reflect on who is giving you what feedback, how you appear to be progressing, and how you fit within the organisation where you work, or want to work); A critical assessment of how you are placed or misplaced within the chosen organisation; and A discussion of self-improvement for continuous improvement.
Subject Name: Information System
Level: Undergraduate
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