Task: For this component you will be required to do a 5-10 minute presentation on a recent academic paper on a topic related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics or Intelligent Systems. Some possible topic areas include but are not limited to: Intelligent Systems for Data Warehouse systems Evolving Intelligent Systems: Methods, Learning, & Applications Distance Metric Learning in Intelligent Systems Intelligent Systems for Socially Aware Computing Data Mining techniques with IS frameworks for integrating AI and data mining Expert System Structure of knowledge Engineering IS and Support Vector Machines IS and Neural Network Architectures Heuristic Search Methods Genetic Algorithms and Developing GA Applications The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of the above topics or another topic and be related to Intelligent Systems for Analytics. The paper must be approved by your lecturer and be related to what we are studying this semester in Intelligent Systems for Analytics. The paper MITS5509 Assignment 1 and 2 Copyright © 2015-2019 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources such as Google Scholar, Academic department repositories, or a significant commercial company involved in research such as IBM etc. All students must select a different paper. Thus, the paper must be approved by your lecturer before proceeding. In case two students are wanting to present on the same paper, the first who emails the lecturer with their choice will be allocated that paper. Please note that popular magazine or web-site articles are not academic papers. A grade of 10% of the Units mark will be awarded for your presentation and your participation in other student presentations. You are to prepare a set of powerpoint slidesfor your presentation. If you do not participate in at least 70% of other student’s presentations you will forfeit a significant proportion of the marks for this component.
Subject Name: Information Technology
Level: Undergraduate
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