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Software Engineering Assignment: Housing And Transport System For Home

Task: Your task in this software engineering assignment is to analyze the given case study, apply the principles of requirement engineering by eliciting functional and non-functional requirements, and documenting system and user requirements specification. You will also choose appropriate modeling techniques to model the system and design the system architecture. Problem: People residing in owner occupied or rented houses maintain their households which is an essential process requiring continuous collection, storage, and use of information originating from many external sources. Household maintenance includes organizing utility services, recording equipment purchase details, organizing insurance, monitoring and control heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), undertaking cleaning and repairs of household appliances and vehicles. An home provides a conceptual model incorporating a Family System and subsystems for home and personal life management where necessary information can be stored, accessed, and some level of automation can be achieved for carrying out many tasks. There are many External Entities with which Family System interacts such as schools for children’s education, medical professionals for health-related activities. One of the identified subsystems within the Family system is Housing and Transport. There are few external entities identified as part of this subsystem and these include: Product suppliers Government agencies Service providers a. Energy supplier b. Water supplier c. Communications. You are asked to develop the Housing and Transport System (HTS) which will be integrated into home with other subsystems. The initial task is to complete the requirements engineering process by eliciting functional, non-functional, system and user requirements. You should also develop models of system architecture, context model, use cases, and behavioral models such as sequence diagrams. The users are the ’Home Users’ who are public residing in suburban homes who will not have insight into organizing information, or automating tasks. Therefore, Home Users cannot provide guidance in the design or functionalities of the HTS. An example of information originating from a product supplier can be the details of a refrigerator purchase. This includes the brand, model number, warranty, price, purchase date, seller details. Using this example, the Home User should be able to input purchase details for any equipment/appliance purchase using an easy-to-use interface. The other features that would help the Home User could be reminders on expiry date of warranty or any periodic service. Home User should be able to display a list of appliances in a report format. There are many service providers a Home User may use and considering the example of a communications provider, this may include ISP name, contract start date, payment date, contract period, contact details, and contracts document. Using this example, a generic input interface and data collection, storage, and access can be created. Government agencies include local councils, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), and any other similar agencies. Privacy and security of data are important as these belong to individuals or families. Only authorized person/s should be allowed to access the information. There should be two levels of access rights, view and modify. The HTS users are people with different levels of information technology skills. Therefore, ease of use, and user friendly interface, low maintenance are important. An initial prototype of the HTS should be developed as a Java desktop application with a front-end GUI, and a backend database. You start with a context diagram to understand the information flow, then follow MVC pattern to develop the system architecture. You should develop: • Context Model: Show the information flow between External Entities and HTS • System architecture: Use Model -View-Controller • System requirements including functional and non-functional requirements • Use cases to depict the functionality of the system: You can use your own experience or literature review or external input to understand inputs and any automation needs • Sequence Diagrams for a product details entry and a product specific information search and display • Use case diagrams • UML class diagram Identify the classes required • GUI design This should be consistent with the Use cases and use case diagram. You can use SceneBuilder to create GUI.

Subject Name: Computer Science

Level: Undergraduate

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