Task: Background Case Study: University Library System Consider one of the largest public sector university in the regional NSW that has been continuously making a significant influence & contributions in the education sector for regional communities since 1965. The university offers world-class online and face-to-face education and training to thousands of local and international students each year. The university was also awarded the Best University of the year award for its online education in 2020. More than 35,000 enrolments are serviced annually for the students studying on-campus, online, apprenticeships and traineeships. The university has a large library system to service four different campuses at various locations and in different cities. Students from all different cohorts, such as on-campus and online, use library services for their studies. The library has approximately 185,855 resources in its catalogue including monographs, books, images, government reports, digital resources such as audio and video resources and access to a range of online search databases such as A+ education, ABI/INFORMS collection, Oxford journals, IEEE Xplore etc. Due to recent increase in variety of library resources and how they can be used, the library’s existing information system is struggling to cope with the demands of its users. As a result, there are a number of functions such as narrowing down the search results, including variety of types of resources in the search results and keeping and matching the existing search results with new searches etc., that are not working efficiently. You are working as a system analyst in ABC System Design Company. The university contacted you to analyze the existing library system, identify the issues in the existing system and provide recommendations to upgrade the library system to improve the library services. As a starting point, you should visit a real university library web site, e.g. Charles Sturt’s library webpage and identify what services are provided by CSU library. List down all the resources and services that are available through CSU library then, your task is to design an efficient, simple and clear library system while considering the on campus and online user demands. You are a systems analyst that is part of a project that is currently being proposed and perform system analysis and design for the project. Your task is to investigate the scope of University Library System of the given case study and you are required to develop a System Vision Document which includes problem description, system capabilities, and business benefits. Also identify all possible stakeholders and briefly describe why they have an interest in the project.
Subject Name: Computer Science
Level: Undergraduate
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