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System Engineering Assignment Examining Functional Analysis And Allocation

Task: Functional Analysis and Allocation (FA&A) is a key process in systems engineering design. In this group assignment you are to you are required to write a ~2000 word report that critically reviews the FA&A process. The review is to address the following: inputs and outputs for the FA&A process the staging of the FA&A process within the system life-cycle approaches/methods for performing both analysis and allocation This is to be a general review - there is no requirement for it to be grounded in your case study from assignment 1. The assessment criteria are as follows: Introduction Overview of the FA&A process (purpose, inputs, outputs, staging, supporting processes) Approaches/methods for functional analysis Approaches/methods for functional allocation Conclusion Research skills Layout and presentation The weighting of the assignment is 20%. I expect that the report will consist of 5 sections corresponding to criteria 1-5. In terms of research skills what is being assessed is to synthesize multiple resources into a coherent and balanced story. In this regard, you will need to have multiple references, but no minimum number is specified. Harvard referencing is to be used.

Subject Name: Engineering

Level: Undergraduate

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