Task: Part A: Please answer the two (2) questions. QUESTION ONE The value and contribution of working in a team has been amply recognized by academics and practitioners. However, some employees are still reluctant to work as a team due to the several dilemmas it might cause. Citing relevant business examples related to human resource management, evaluate these conflicting perspectives. Based on your own experience of teamwork, did you experience such a value? In what way? QUESTION TWO Every company has rules, guidelines, codes of conduct, and values statements aiming to guarantee its commitment to ethical management. Despite this, ethical scandals keep happening in every industry and sector. Besides, people may hold widely divergent normative approaches to make ethical decisions. Citing examples, explain what role (if any) can HRM practitioners play? Do you think ethics is a ‘managers’ matter or ALL adult human beings have a responsibility for it in organisations? Part B: Please read two (2) and answer the following seven (7) questions for each article. Article 1 Step 1: Bibliographic Details Q1 How do you cite this article according to RMIT Harvard Business Referencing style? Step 2: Brief Overview/Description Q2 Indicate the aim of the study Q3 Outline the main argument/s and key theory/ies Step 3: Critical Analysis Q4 What is the main contribution of the manuscript to both the literature and practitioners? Q5 What is the main limitation of the study? Step 4: Statement of Relevance Q6 In what way does the article relate to the concepts outlined in the course? Q7 What is your opinion regarding the argument/s expressed by the authors?
Subject Name: Human resource management
Level: Undergraduate
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