Assessment item 1
The role of an AIS Value: 10% Due date: 27-Nov-2016 Return date: 19-Dec-2016 Length: 1,000 words Submission method options Alternative submission method Task Accounting Information System's (AIS) have traditionally only involved the processing of accounting and financial transactions. However, with the advancement of technology, other non-financial information has been able to be integrated into systems, giving a more complete view of the entire organisation. Looking at the manufacturing industry, respond to the following; What is the role of an AIS in the value chain of a manufacturing organisation? 3 marks How can an AIS assist with decision making in a contemporary manufacturing organisation? 3 marks How can the value chain be used to provide a competitive advantage for a manufacturing organisation? 4 marks Please note, this is a theoretical question. You do not need to look at a specific business within the manufacturing industry.
Rationale This assignment task is designed to enable you to demonstrate your ability to: Understand and apply foundation principles relating to computerized information systems in contemporary organisations. Marking criteria Criteria / Learning Outcome HD DI CR PS Ability to interpret the role of the AIS in an organisation. Clearly and concisely presents an outstanding understanding of the role the AIS plays in an organisation. Clearly and concisely presents a high level understanding of the role the AIS plays in an organisation. Clearly and concisely presents an above satisfactory understanding of the role the AIS plays in an organisation. Clearly presents a satisfactory understanding of the role the AIS plays in an organisation. Demonstrate an understanding of the value chain and its relationship with an AIS. Clearly and concisely demonstrates an outstanding knowledge of the value chain and its relationship with an AIS.
Clearly and concisely demonstrates a high level of knowledge of the value chain and its relationship with an AIS. Clearly and concisely demonstrates an above satisfactory knowledge of the value chain and its relationship with an AIS. Clearly demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge of the value chain and its relationship with an AIS. Articulates the role of an AIS in enhancing organizational decision making. Demonstrates an outstanding and detailed knowledge of how contemporary organisations use an AIS to improve their decision making. Demonstrates a high level knowledge of how contemporary organisations use an AIS to improve their decision making. Demonstrates an above satisfactory knowledge of how contemporary organisations use an AIS in decision making.
Demonstrates a satisfactory knowledge of how contemporary organisations use an AIS in decision making. Demonstrates how the value chain provides a competitive advantage to contemporary organisations Demonstrates an outstanding level of knowledge of what is competitive advantage and how the value chain can provide a competitive advantage to manufacturing organisations. Demonstrates a high level of knowledge of what is competitive advantage and how the value chain can provide a competitive advantage to manufacturing organisation. Demonstrates an above satisfactory level of knowledge of what is competitive advantage and how the value chain can provide a competitive advantage to manufacturing organisations. Demonstrates a satisfactory level of knowledge of what is competitive advantage and how the value chain can provide a competitive advantage to manufacturing organisations.
Find and apply authoritative sources to explain an AIS, the value chain and their relationship. Application of a minimum of 3 suitable authoritative sources to clearly identify information about the AIS, the value chain and their interrelationship Application of a minimum of 3 suitable authoritative sources to identify information about the AIS, value chain and their interrelationship Application of 3 suitable authoritative sources to identify information about the AIS, value chain and their interrelationship Application of 2-3 suitable authoritative sources to identify information about the AIS, value chain and their interrelationship Presentation Your assignment should be presented in short answer format addressing the questions. It should include: a cover page; and appropriate headings.
Requirements Assignments must be submitted through Turnitin. You need to include your name, student ID and page number in the header or footer of every page of the assignment. Further details about the presentation of your submission are provided in Appendix 1.