Part 1: Analysis and Design The reading list recommendation system (website) is to be developed following the UCD approach. The design process needs to be documented through appropriate design artefacts in order to understand the users, appropriate requirement gathering and specification via primary research involving the users, information architecture of the design, task and usecase analysis, prototyping and evaluation. Note that the various tools/techniques that are covered during the lectures will be relevant here, e.g, personas, various requirement gathering techniques, task analysis and storyboarding, card sorting, participant-based or heuristics evaluation, etc. The student is expected to consider contemporary issues (e.g., responsive design, navigation principle, user interface design patterns, accessibility) in designing the website. They should also provide a clear rationale for the design decisions based on user research and best practices of UCD. Furthermore, clear evidence and documentation should be included that a UCD process has been followed. This documentation of analysis and design must be suitably structured, written in your own words, and develop a clear narrative or argument using appropriate language. All assertions are expected to be supported by references (using Greenwich Harvard formatting) or otherwise justified. The discussion should be within 3,000 words plus or minus 5% (150 words) not including the title page or any preamble and not including the references. Even though this will consider the design and analysis aspects following UCD, you may/can refer to the prototype of Part 2 if you want to include the implemented prototype inside the discussion too, e.g., to demonstrate one final iteration of the UCD lifecycle? Part 2: User Interface and System Implementation There are a few specific requirements that must be implemented inside the system – NOT all the functionalities that are part of such a system. The are explained below in detail. In other words, you are certainly not implementing the whole reading list recommendation system that was the result of Part 1’s design. Please note the following assumptions: The website should be implemented only for a single module for simplicity (e.g., COMP 1678: User Centred Web Engineering). There will be two types of actors for the system – 1) tutor (only one tutor) and 2) students. This single tutor should be pre-registered inside your system (i.e., already existing) with ID 000000000 and password 000000000. Task1: Account creation and login Create an XHTML/HTML5 form that allows students to create an account. The form must include only 3 pieces of information from the student; their 9-digit IDs, their chosen password, and their email address. Account details are to be stored in your MySQL database. The system must prevent duplicate IDs being chosen. Member passwords should be stored in the database in an encrypted format. The email address should follow valid format. For login, provide an XHTML/HTML5 login form that allows returning members to authenticate with the site using their ID and password. These credentials should be compared with the information recorded in your MySQL database. Note that the pre-registered single tutor should also be using the same login form. Task2: Reading list recommendation related functionalities Upon login, the student should be able to insert/post a book’s information. Provide XHTML/HTML5 form for this purpose containing book’s ISBN, title, author, and a brief description of the book. Remember for textual description, some characters (notably the apostrophe) can cause problems with your SQL strings (prevent SQL injection). A member should be able to rate any book (numeric scale between 0-10) and textual justification of the rating. The member should have provision to also edit the details of the book (e.g., title and author) that were entered in Level 2 or replace/insert (if not entered in Level 2) an image or even delete a particular book’s information. Assume a member can perform these tasks across all the books [not only for their own entered ones]. Provide a means for members to search for a particular book’s information with rating (search by title/author). There should also be provision to search all the books ordered by their ratings. Task3: Usability of the Implemented Interface The developed application should incorporate the contemporary issues of Web development in terms of user experience (i.e. usability). For example, is it responsive/adaptive to address device heterogeneity issues for access? How is the Web interface’s information architecture in terms of finding relevant items and navigation? Have contemporary issues of Web development been addressed? In addition to that, the Web interface should follow Part 1’s design phase. Note that, you are NOT expected to deliver all the functionalities that may be part of the design phase. However, the overall information architecture of the interface should take this into consideration, e.g., in menus and navigation where some of them may just appear for this purpose without any actual functionality incorporated inside it. You may use ‘under construction’ message (or something else) to be shown while these function-less items might be clicked/reached by the visiting user.
Subject Name: Information Technology
Level: Postgraduate
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