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Week 1 – Assignment: Examine Social and Economic Justice

First, choose from one of the following areas with which social workers are often involved: Children’s Rights, Immigrant Justice, Economic Justice, or Criminal Justice Reform. You will prepare a brief Video Note in NCUOne, and then submit a written summary of your video. You may use other video software if you choose (file must be saved in MP4 format).

Address the following in your video. Be sure to include specific examples that illustrate the need for this social justice cause to be addressed by those in the social work profession.

  • Expose the social and economic issues that appear to affect the selected population.

  • Examine how this is a human rights issue.

  • Discuss if there are available social work services for this population.

  • Document how you see your contribution as a social worker as making a difference.

Finally, determine which developmental phase might be most affected by this problem. Then, briefly explain why you believe this life stage would be affected.

NOTE: You may use your topic from this week for your Signature Assignment.

Support your assignment with at least two scholarly resources.

To create a video note, select the Record video option in the assignment submission area. You will need your webcam to complete this video. Press the New Recording button when you are ready to record your video note and the Stop Recording when finished. Click the Add button to include the video in your assignment submission. Note, the Video Note tool records a maximum of 3 minutes. Plan on splitting your video into multiple segments if need be.

Alternate assignment: If you do not have access to a webcam, prepare a 3-5 page paper addressing the criteria noted above.

Length: Short video clip plus 2-3 page written summary, not including title and reference pages.

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