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Week 5 - Assignment: Facilitate Productive Group Work

If you are currently serving as a leader for one or more groups that meet regularly (in an educational or non-educational setting), choose the group that has been the most challenging for the purpose of this assignment.

If you are not currently leading a group, assume you are the leader of one of the groups to which you belong will be out of town and has asked you to plan and run the next meeting. Just as detailed lesson plans are helpful to beginning teachers or for experienced teachers when teaching a concept for the first time, drafting a meeting plan can help you conduct a smooth, productive meeting.

This week’s assignment has three parts that you will submit in one document.

Include the following sections in your submission:

Part 1: Designing a Meeting Plan

  • Provide an introduction to the group that will be meeting, including who the members are, how often the group meets, the setting where the meetings are held, and the overriding purpose of the group. This could be as simple as stating that the group is a grade-level team comprised of all teachers and teacher assistants who teach at the school.

    • For example, meetings are held in the first-floor conference room, members meet weekly, and the group meets to make decisions on routine matters and make recommendations regarding students and curriculum as needed.

    • Include any information to assist the reader of the meeting plan to better understand the dynamics of the group. For example, experience levels range from one to twenty years; all but two members are new to the school, etc.

Part 2: Preparing an Agenda (include as an appendix to your assignment)

  • Prepare an agenda, even if a formal agenda is not usually provided. Include it as an appendix to your paper, but include a section explaining how it was developed. Include components such as:

    • Name of the group that is meeting and place/date/time of the meeting.

    • Allocated time for the meeting.

      • Allocation of time for each item on the agenda.

    • Names of group attendees.

    • Old business items.

    • New business items.

  • Informational items.

  • A summary of who will do what and when as a result of the meeting in preparation for the next meeting.

    • The latter would include any action items ranging from editing and distributing minutes within a day of the meeting to specific tasks that one or more members must accomplish by the next meeting.

Part 3: Preparing for Conflict

  • If one or more of the group members tend to inhibit the work of the group or conflict tends to arise, include a section wherein you plan to prevent dysfunctional behavior or nonproductive conflict from derailing the work of the group.

    • Explain how you would accomplish this.

    • What steps might you implement before the meeting to avoid conflict?

  • Determine the approach(es) you would use to resolve conflict should it arise.

Length: 5-7 pages, not including title or reference pages; include your agenda as an appendix

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources

Your meeting plan/agenda should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University's Academic Integrity Policy.

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